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Green Lifestyle and Thingy-da-bobs

Doing our Part
We want to be conscious of alternative ways to protect our home and others around us by recycling, reusing and being responsible. We are not out to save the earth with alternative energies but we do believe in utilizing our resources as wisely as possible. We are interested in any new technologies, especially those gadgets, widgets and thingy-da-bobs that save and improve efficiency, but have little consequences to those in the neighborhood. Sure, we could build a manure farm and harvest methane gas for heating and cooking, but the neighbors might object to the odoriferous emanations.


Off the Grid

One of our goals is to be energy independent. You know, "off the grid", “conservative” and “wise”.

Though not always thought of as alternative energies, we are finding simple old fashion methods. These include solar drying our laundry (clothesline), cooking over a fire, cooking and drying food

using the sun, and running battery operated items charged with solar battery chargers. These simple activities in our daily lives are some beginning steps to becoming energy independent.


Building New Things

Being a former nail bender for 15 plus years, I understand the challenge of not smashing ones finger with a hammer. It seems that if I have not added a little blood, sweat and tears to the job I have not completed the task correctly. You would think I have learned something. However, I cannot stay away from the satisfaction of creating a building or two here on the homestead, despite the pain. My wife and the kids love to help with many of the building projects. We have built everything from fencing to outbuildings. Enjoy some of the articles on the quirky way we may construct an edifice.



December 2012